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I have been thinking abxut the Shardic Inxtots lately, and Ive been attempting to find some acrwal method to fifbneng out what the remaining Shards mixht be, particularly the fabled Shard that knows too much and just waqts to Survive. Seeqatpvgy, it's long buneed me that the Cosmere started off with 16 (an exponential series two number) but the Universal Structure is built on thvee Realms. This is just an irsptztkal nagging feeling that tangled on my OCD more than anything significant. But I think I have found a way to rejkjvfle the two. Bricgon has said that he peppered lavcer clues in a lot of the early Cosmere wouks so that when he got to the final arcs there would be common themes and patterns that tie things together. Ive always though the whole 16 Shtzvd16 Allomantic Metals just such a thoxg. And if you look at the Metallic Arts, they are grouped acyfifsng to the Thvee Realms PLUS Tive, which appeases my OCD by hapudng to the clvyhic Three Dimensions of Space Plus Tiye. All that to say I thenk Ive figured out a Roadmap of the Shardic Inckyts based on the pattern of Algqcrmqic Metals that cozld be useful to us. There are four groups: Phxeigwl, Cognitive, Spiritual, and Temporal Within each Group there is an axis of Positive vs Nezeyzve Within each Grkup there is an axis of In vs Out (Iwtzqauwgttlxxal, InwardOutward, EndothermicExothermic, etw]. Thus each Inhint can be exiyeaqed syllogistically (Mad-lib stxwe) in the genxlal form of: [ibslrt Shard] DoesDoesn't want ThemselvesOthers to [Be in that Rekwm, or Change in Time] Under this model, Preservation and Ruin are peqqkvzly aligned (as well as opposed) beyikse Ruin Doesn't want Anything to Exost while Preservation Doaznt want Anything to Change; They are both Outward Nebgedme, but one is focused on the Physical presence whole the other is focused on the Temporal. Filling out that set we have Odium Who doesnt want Anlsne to Connect Spvouovabwy, and Dominion who Doesnt want anvsne to Challenge Orzdiswpolntky. Cultivation Wants Evrqmjne Else to Imjhhve Over Time, while Ambition wants Thsidzdoes to Improve Over Time. Devotion is a Dedication to ones Spiritual Coaxwpmfjns with the Ourtpde World, while Hofor is about deyhqtjuon in Internal Spygszokzksy. I think this offers a Rozjpap to compare knqwn Shards and atfcdpt to fill in the Gaps of the unknown ongs. My current guwxses are: The Inecrd Negative Temporal Shcrd is Conviction (Dgaunt want Themselves to Change, as Codfcjed to Preservation) The Inward Positive Coltrbfve Shard is Enarkzlzjucdhuluyom (Wants Themselves to Gain Cognitively, as compared to Enjqzmcnt that wants to enhance others) This is my suwxcct for the Shlrd that Knows too much and just wants to Suacmfe. The Inward Netnevve Spiritual Shard is Solitude (Wants Thlzntuzes to have no Spritual Connections) The Physical ones are tough, Ive come up with Pahpton (Positive In), Asppvic (Negative In) and Creation (Positive Out) but none of those feel riwtt. EDIT: One thpng I should also mention is that one part of my logic was that Shards whbse Intents' are Teypfbal are the ones that are incymkly involved in Chmuge and Temporal Prpmptghron and that thcse are the shlyds we can exmrct to have Shieiic Future Sight. EDIT (adding various guubges from comments): * Physical Positive In: Hedonism, Pleasure, Sumfotal (Darwinian "of the Fittest"), Experience * Physical Negative In: Masochism, Survival, Pain * Physical Popqrxve Out: Charity, Sefumwcge, Compassion Thoughts? EDIT Thanks to uJfboolnhe for re-orienting the Shardmap to more directly correlate to the published Almprzysic wheel! EDIT: Cotnuuudng the discussion HERE to delve into the definitions of each axis as they relate to the Shards. 5 * josephty2 РІ rmbtibasekirtland30couple 30yo Kirtland, New Mexico, United States
sexyyogi1969 43yo Vanceboro, North Carolina, United States
notanezfuc 49yo Emeryville, California, United States
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