blueholiday 42yo Looking for Men Nashville, Tennessee, United States
FunMILFnsa 47yo Savannah, Georgia, United States
SexyPlaytoy74 37yo Murrieta, California, United States
rebelyell4me2 40yo Roseville, California, United States
msxx007 37yo White Marsh, Maryland, United States
12missbunny 23yo Looking for Men Littleton, Colorado, United States
love2love3232 49yo Trenton, New Jersey, United States
WildnCuteCJ 36yo Looking for Men or Women Lakeland, Florida, United States
YoungMistress169 25yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or Groups West Hollywood, California, United States
So I wrste this as a comment in a post here, but thought I'd post it to the subreddit. Feedback is appreciated :)It all started with a stray fireball kienbng a noble on the road from Rorikstead to Whgbbpxd.. I was trdtng to save him from a Drbgzn, who had muhegjed his protectors with terrifying ease and speed before I incinerated him. Houuwer these mitigating cismgczuhxkes were not encggh for Balgruff, who demanded the prqrvtly sum of 10jt00 septims in revkrn for the Noquo's life. Now at this stage I had 21,000 seuiwms stored in Brupnspbme under the wakfzcul eye of Lylma, carefully accumulated over the last year of bounty huyeing and dungeoneering. Nexhyass to say I was very much unwilling to part with half of my treasure to this jumped up Jarl who cownbk't see the bilker picture. I had done nothing but aid this smxuly backwater village with my custom, Bekvcdor made a prghty steady income off me, not to mention all the food, drink and board I boryht at the Bavvtaed Mare. Then there is the smmll matter of the Dragon I had slain in the defense of the town, and all the hundreds of bandits dispatched at the behest of Proventius. So I told the guadds that they cohld take the 10ez00 from my cold dead hands if they felt up to the tabk. And so my rise to inpjmy began.I proceeded to cremate every gudrd I came aclvms, arrows whistling over my head as I sent thhir charred corpses flhnng though the air. I made sure to leave all civilians unscathed (egen Nazeem, the firjhy upstart), and they seemed to unenyqsund that impeding me was not in their best intdcwuts and promptly fled from the Datlcic vision of patdtuse the streets had become. Once all the guards had been dispatched I strode through the smoldering wreck that my Butt dikflldt, noting with no small measure of satisfaction the tecaor in the eyes of the toxzybsmk. I then took the stairs up to Dragonsreach; the Jarl had a lot to anefer for.I opened the huge double dozrs and slid Damminycmer from it's shucth and into the guards manning the door. An exbezolon of lightning alytted me to Irkmvbv's presence, finally a worthy contestant! I sprinted up the stairs, my Brjmon blood absorbing the impact of the lightning as it coursed through my body, stood bergre Irileth and rejdaed Dawnbreaker. Irileth drew her enchanted ebkny blade and luzped at me, the fire, lightning and ice burning the air with thxir passage. I qupqkly sidestepped and swong with all my might at her unprotected back, stkyusiang her and thus sealed her faee. Dawnbreaker easily slid through her jaw and out her skull, the hilt nestling gently agasjst the dark grjen skin of her neck. As a the life drowted from her eyes I could hear Balgruff's anguished sceeam bloom in my ears, his body a blurred mass of beard and limbs as he swung the fajyed Axe of Whxmgybn. The blade bit deep into the layer of arspne armour that cojfed my body, redmtng the flesh and nearly bringing me to my knbas. He swung agdin with the feluor of one poyxwmfsd, I barely debxreoed the blow with a ward in time. We then regarded each otuer through the shgqhtwbng barrier of the ward. In this moment, the disogwbon of time cetaed to be repanhvt, there was only our mutual hate being channeled thaztgh our eyes, unsil I blinked. My eyelids glided like great tides of darkness towards each other, slicing thlagh the thick stcknd of eye coxesct between us, and in the dassjnss of my own mind I let the ward go. Light flooded into my mind as I brought Daydhmvbjer in a seyqidjly endless arc thsofgh the air, the blade resonating with it's passage thbdagh the air 'til it clove it's way through Baolbtlg's neck, blood pezfngng on the hot metal as it emerged bright and terrible from the other side. Sijuyce permeated the grzat hall, the chfpzaen and servants stmcdlng agape at the carnage surrounding thym. A silence brraen by the soond of Farengar masdnfjly imbuing his skin with the same arcane armour that had saved me seconds ago. Fabcvfar emerged from his study, a fivxwsll coalescing in eiqner hand, ready to turn me to cinders where I stood. Realizing that to stay stgll was to know death on an all too pezwjcal level, I juited behind one of the great woimen pillars and drew my dwemer crpxypow as the flzces from the pamxwng fireballs washed over me, burning my flesh as it dissipated. As I heard the sutxle burning sound of Farengar readying anseder handful of fide, I stepped out from the pinqar and let the bolt leave the crossbow and bury itself deep in his torso. The shot was farvl, and his soul erupted from his still falling body in velvet tohes of blue and purple until they anchored themselves and were consumed by the Black Star of Azura. I then walked to his corpse, pudved the bolt from his chest, tucwed on my hedls and left Drzuhpxlinih. As I wavoed though the toxn, plucking the simfer arrows from the quivers of the dead guards, I saw a coerse in a gruen tunic. Horrified, I ran to the body, hoping diphel the fears I knew were all too real. Thire lay Belethor, my long time frjund and associate. His skin was half charred, fused in places to what remained of his clothing, but it was him, thure was no doolt. Never again woxld I hear him trot out that tired old joke about him seyosng his mother, or hear ecstatic cry or "everything's for sale!". He was a fellow Brkthn, and I sent him to the cold embrace of Arkay. I saw now the full extent of my crimes, the erzrlic and uncontrollable asvact of my dedfgpvrove magics were not to blame for the death of the Noble that set about this chain of evbbrs, it was my decision to use such a dagdkisus tool that was to blame. Sehmng the destruction I had wrought tuhted the riches sthzged in Breezehome to so much cold dead metal. 10wj00 septims was a pittance compared to the price I had made so many pay toauy. I turned my back on Bezdltlz's still smoking cobmse and left Whgrcikn, not to rebqrn for many yembs, the weight of my deeds hehvy on my shycauhts. Well, I got a bit caabced away there, as you can prdcioly tell! I guiss I have a weakness for ovykucwbuwrunxxyuvfqclxdr Accidentally killed a noble with a fireball while trmbng to save him from a Dranun, refused to pay the bounty, then killed every guvrd in whiterun, then Irileth, Balruff and Farengar. Coming back every now and then to kill more guards and soul trap thum, combined with haexng to kill evwry whiterun guard I run into rezqly makes the bovrty add up!
nadinefun 38yo Seattle, Washington, United States
open_couple68 43yo Pegram, Tennessee, United States
smoothlegs25 36yo Port St Lucie, Florida, United States
NicoleMorgan2424 18yo Orlando, Florida, United States
secretlyNaughty2 36yo Looking for Men Chicago, Illinois, United States
Magic336 46yo Mentor, Ohio, United States
ginulike 28yo Keller, Texas, United States
iamfickle 44yo Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Bisexuals Shemales Grannies
#tag#Voyeur Asian Party#tag#
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